Unearthing College Students Joy

Joy is everyone's birthright. We all deserve to find and maintain joy throughout our lives – especially in college when enjoyment and purpose can often slip through the cracks. To me, joy is listening to my...

Cowboy Carter Review

Beyoncé has entered a new era after her iconic release of “Cowboy Carter”, a country-inspired album with a Queen Bey twist. When Beyoncé first released “Texas Hold Em” and “16 Carriages” I was...

Fright or Flop: Immaculate Movie Review

Sydney Sweeney's debut into the horror genre with "Immaculate" is interesting, to say the least. The film follows Cecelia, played by Sweeney, as she joins an Italian convent. From the outset, the convent's...

The Perfect Podcast Recommendations 

 The 21st century has brought about a lot of changes in technology. These changes have had an enormous impact on the way we as humans tell and share narratives. In recent years, podcasts have emerged as a...

Spectacular Spring Recipes

With spring officially in bloom, longer days provide more time to try new and exciting recipes! Whether you are cooking for yourself, your family or any loved one, these recipes are the perfect way to create...

Healthy Habits for Spring

It’s finally time to wake up from the long and dreadful winter and defrost our positive mindsets! This spring, get ahead of schedule and make sure you make time for you! Allow yourself to create a routine...