Normally, on a college campus, there’s late-night snacking on greasy fries and disgusting amounts of pizza. This is usually where college kids pack on the extra pounds. I guess Fairfield isn’t a normal college campus, because there’s hardly any food available after 9 p.m.

And let’s just talk about going to dinner in Barone. Seriously, there’s no way that you can spontaneously go to dinner. It has to be planned. You’re screwed if you go at 6:15 p.m. You may as well just sit on the floor, instead of walking around the seating area like an idiot for a half hour, waiting for that group of eight girls to finish eating their lettuce so that you can steal their table.

Barone Dining Room is supposed to close at 7:30 p.m. But if you go in at 7:30 p.m., there’s nothing to eat but cereal and burnt pasta. All of the food is taken away by the workers far too early, and we’re left with empty orange plates and silverware that you can bend into Barone art.

The Stag is another option, but that closes at 9 p.m. Going there for “late-night” at the Stag is an adventure in itself, because everyone that goes is either drunk or in desperate need of cheap food. Personally, I only go to the Stag when I’m either a) hung over or b) need an onion ring fix (#fatgirlprobs).

In my opinion, Jazzman’s hardly exists because it’s not open on the weekends. Who wouldn’t love to have a caramel macchiato on a Sunday morning without making it an hour-long trip into the Starbucks in town? But no. Instead, we jump on the Jazzman’s line at 9:20 a.m. expecting to make it to our 9:30 a.m. class in Bannow. Good luck with that one.

But what if we want something later on into the night? Unfortunately, Dominoes is not on our meal plan, and we need to pay out of pocket for our pineapple and bacon pizzas. The Levee is either cash or StagBucks, and they stop taking orders at 11 p.m. There’s hardly any late night options for students to use their meal plans on campus, and it just seems so ridiculous to me.

So we’re left with no food. And it sucks. Dining halls at other colleges are open 24 hours, so there’s always food available. For us? We can hardly get lunch after 1 p.m. because all the food is taken away from us. Forever alone in Barone after my 2-3:15 class.

Sometimes, I see tours going through at about this time, and perspective students walk through Barone, wondering why all of the food stations are empty. And what’s up with the fact that there’s never grilled chicken in Barone on the weekends? Rambling complaints here, sorry.

I know there’s not much that a pint-sized girl like me can do to fix the food availability at Fairfield, but I know there has to be people that agree with me. I’ve yet to hear someone say that they love going to Barone, and that they are always satisfied after eating a meal there. Instead, students dread meals and leave with either the stomachs barren or running to the nearest bathroom.

I guess we’re just stuck with what we got – a dining hall that stops making food at 6:30 p.m. and an empty plate.



– Sent from my BlackBerry

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