With the return of in-person classes and the near-total ban on virtual instruction, students are still wondering what will happen if a snow day is called on campus. 

 Many other K-12 schools are deciding to replace snow days with virtual learning opportunities so as to not miss any class instruction. Even some universities, like the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, have stated that their snow days will now be just “virtual learning days.”

But, Fairfield, with its ban on virtual learning technologies, is in a different position. 

Junior Caroline McConville hopes Fairfield and other schools keep the snow day tradition. “I think it is kind of sad especially for younger kids who will never feel the excitement of snow days.”

“Even now,” McConville adds, “If Fairfield is to just save them as virtual days I think that snow days are something that has so many memories and fun times related to them — taking them away will just take away so many memories that we could make”

Senior Tim Amarante states, “I love snow days” and hopes the University does whatever it can to keep them.

He adds that as a psychology major, the mental health benefit of snow days is always important and a welcomed break for overwhelmed students. 

Connor Bennett, a 2018 graduate of the Fairfield College Preparatory School and student at LeMoyne College agrees with Amarante that snow days are needed for mental health.

He goes further to add, “Snow days are a fundamental aspect of a healthy democracy.” 

More so, there is a tradition for student-led tour guides to mention that when passing Bellarmine Hill, students will use it for sledding. From mattresses to cardboard, students will use anything to go down the hill upon the first fall of snow.

Junior Vincent Rotondo says he continues to tell this story on his tours because it is, 

“arguably one of the best selling points of one of the best parts of our campus- Bellarmine Hall”.

Junior Cristiana Callegari reflects on her tour mentioning “I remember touring as a prospective student and being told on the first snowfall everyone hikes up to Bellarmine.”

Callegari continues with her first snow day experience during her first year when “we all found out it was going to be a snow day that night, so we went to Bellarmine and so many kids were going down the hill on so many different objects. I think it goes to show we are all still kids at heart and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder.”

Junior Michael Riggi echoed Callegari’s sentiments. 

“Snow days are a great way to destress and catch up on school work.” Riggi added, stating, “As a kid, I used to love going sledding with my parents, and it’s been really great to continue this tradition with my friends at Fairfield. I always look forward to snow days every year and can’t wait for more fun experiences this winter.” 

Due to Fairfield’s push for in-person learning, it seems unlikely that the University will have professors hold virtual learning opportunities during inclement weather. 

The Mirror will continue to update on the matter as more information becomes available.

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