The time has come to put away your reefs, bring home your jean skirts, say goodbye to your plaid shorts and Lilly Pulitzer skirts, and throw on a nice pair of jeans and a comfy sweater or turtleneck because it’s actually starting to feel like fall.

I don’t know when it happened, I guess it was sometime between Stagstock and the keg races, but fall has come. The leaves are slowly starting to change color and where we used to step on the hot pavement, our foot now crunches on the dry leaves. There’s a certain smell in the air, one that no one can ever seem to describe, but one that is a mixture of crisp coolness and burning leaves, one that makes walking to class a little bit more enjoyable, for some odd reason. Weather you’ll ever make it pumpkin picking, have a caramel apple, go on a hayride or even go to a haunted house, there’s no denying that the fall is a great time of year.

The fall carries a certain excitement in the air, it might be the baseball playoffs, or the beginning of the NFL season, or perhaps the thought that in a few short weeks you too can dress up in obscene clothing and head off to a much-anticipated “pimps and hoes” Halloween party. Whatever it is that drives you, the fall always seems to put a little extra pep in our step and makes all the days a little more enjoyable.

Getting into the full fall mode is easier than you may think. With a quick trip to the Stag for some hot chocolate you can go watch the soccer team play under the lights and bring back that old, cozy, fall feeling.

Speaking of hot chocolate, the fall comes fully equipped with a whole array of yummy and warm goodies to make us happy-and they’re guilt-free, too, since our bikini’s have all recently been replaced with big cozy sweaters and spring break is still months away! Just think-THANKSGIVING. Pumpkin Pies, apple pies, all sorts of breads, hot apple cider, whatever you can think of are all made possible thanks to the fall season.

So throw on your Patagonia and maybe even a scarf, show your fall pride and enjoy all the wonderful things that come with it because before you know it, we’ll be bundled up in our North Face’s sliding down the hill at the library on little red trays from Barone.

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