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Barone on Valentine’s Day? Really, honey?

For those of you in dedicated relationships, Barone is not an acceptable place to dine on Valentine’s Day. Instead, try Barcelona. Located both in Fairfield and South Norwalk, this restaurant has a fiery menu of Spanish and Mediterranean-inspired cuisine. Barcelona have a unique tapas menu and a sultry, dark atmosphere, which makes it a perfect place to spend some quality time with the person you love.

The Food Review: Wilson’s BBQ

It took me all of three years to finally walk into Wilson’s Barbeque, but hey, that’s how life works sometimes. I was instantly drawn in by the smell. It reeks of cooking meat and I could smell it from down the block.
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Her Cocktail, Her Beer

I’ll have a Blue Moon, please. If your freshman year wasn’t filled with Dominos, tons of embarrassing stories, some regrets and a million memories, clearly you were doing something wrong.