Are you bored of the plain whole wheat pasta and grilled chicken served in Barone? Do you need an easy way to incorporate more vegetables in your diet? A little experimenting at the stir fry station can offer many options that will make Barone dinners things to look forward to.

For a savory chicken and pasta stir fry, follow these simple directions and your taste buds will leave you wanting more!

• grilled chicken
• whole wheat pasta
• spinach
• onions
• tomatoes
• mushrooms
• shredded cheese
• parmasan peppercorn dressing
• pepper

An important side note concerning serving sizes: Each person is encouraged to experiment with desired proportions. Some enjoy more dressing for a little extra flavor, while others get in all of their vegetables by allowing these ingredients to take over. Try different portions for each item to decide which you like best.

• Begin by pouring a small amount of oil into the frying pan.

• Add the onions and spinach. Let them simmer for a couple of minutes. Be sure to stir the spinach to allow it to condense.

• Next, add bite-size pieces of grilled chicken. In order to let the flavor from the dressing marinate, squeeze the desired amount of parmesan peppercorn dressing onto the chicken and let it cook for a minute.

• You are now ready to add the vegetables. With this creation, tomatoes and mushrooms complement the flavor the best; however, there are many other vegetables that can be added to allow you to create your personal zestful flavor.

• Now, pour the pasta into the pan. As your creation begins to look like a complete meal, add more dressing if you choose, marinating the vegetables and pasta in the parmesan peppercorn.

• Finally, add your choice of cheese and sprinkle some pepper. It is important to do this last because if you try to add the cheese too early, the consistency could be ruined and you will end up with a very interesting mush of food. Enjoy your delectable and healthy stir fry creation!

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