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Prescribed Cheating?

With the pressures of finals week fast approaching, it is no surprise to hear that many college students illegally turn to prescription stimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin to aid their studies
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All We Need Is A Little Confidence

“Is my bronzer even?” “Can you notice the bags underneath my eyes?” “Do I look like I’m trying too hard?” These are all common questions we ask our roommates before going to our 11a.m.s...
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That Ain’t No Rag, It’s a Flag

The American flag - the symbol of this nation and everything that this nation stands for; an item that citizens should be reverent of and should show respect towards, even if they disapprove of the...
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A Call for Healthy Choices

To the Editor: I happened to go over the article published on October 27, 2010, titled Barone, Jazzman’s & The Stags All Make the Cut written by Gillien Murray. This specific piece caught my attention...
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Barbie’s Legacy

To the Editor: Over the last month I have been learning about an epidemic that has been happening over the last 50 years. Barbie has been sitting on her throne plaguing the minds of young girls, while...
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Hung Up On Hooking Up

Ask any college student, guy or girl, about dating these days and they will probably tell you that nobody dates anymore. Rather, it’s all about hooking up. Hooking up has become so popular amongst college...
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Reflecting and Anticipating

As the semester comes to an end and the pressure of studying for finals and writing papers gets tense, we think it’s important to take a study break and look back at what we’ve learned from the Fall 2010...
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Restaurant Review: Ponte Vecchio

Whether you want to take that special someone on an exclusive date, your parents want to take you out to dinner for your birthday, or you simply want to catch up with an old friend, Ponte Vecchio, seems to satisfy all