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Field Hockey wins for a cause

This Sunday, the field hockey team edged Columbia University 4-3 as they improved to a 4-0 home record at University Field. Seniors Nikki McLucas, Hillary Fitts, and Shealyn Testa scored along with Felicitas Heinen ‘15 to lead the Lady Stags to their fifth straight victory and an 8-2 overall record.
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Say no to skeggings

Appalled would be an understatement. Just when you thought the fashion trends of today could not get any lazier, any more heinous, manufacturers raised the bar yet again. Some brilliant designer out there has decided to further convenience us by sewing together a pair of leggings and a skirt, giving birth to the skegging.
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Letter to the Editor

I would like to set the record straight about my involvement in last weekend's Dolan Hall brawl. First, I was actually not present during the event that was mentioned by the press. The incident I did witness was a previous confrontation; while leaving my room I witnessed a fight between my roommate, his brother and a few other students from down the hall. I did what I believe to have been right, which was to try to protect everyone and help break up the fight.
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Editorial Board: Gridlock

In an effort to strike down the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) (we put the common name next to the legal one in parenthesis because many don’t know they’re one and the same), Republicans have refused to allow the passage of a new federal budget. The logic is: Stopping everything else so that Democrats are forced to rethink Obamacare is worth a temporary shutdown of nonessential government payments.
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Chocopocolypse nigh! Price of cocoa too damn high

Forget global warming; disaster looms as the world’s reserve of cocoa beans is shrinking, and in turn, our share of precious chocolate. Speculation pegs that chocolate prices will reach record highs, up to a 45 percent increase from 2007.

Embracing big brother

We all want to know the new features for the next iPhone, the newest technological advancements and the best way to make our lives more convenient. But something happens when this new “thing” comes out. We scream “Big Brother” and shout in anger.
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Get over the bad boy ideal

From leather-strutting greaser Danny Zuko, to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” antagonistic vamp Spike, to action hero Jason Statham, bad boys have no doubt established a presence in our culture. And our desires for them have only increased.

Prez. Ball deemed a perfect 10

Last weekend, students from all classes marched up the hill to the Bellarmine Lawn for Fairfield’s 10th annual Presidential Ball. The event started at 8 p.m. with doors closing at 10 p.m., and ended at midnight.
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ITS changes for students

On the weekend of Sept. 21, Fairfield’s Information Technology Services launched Terminal Four Platform onto, causing students to lose connectivity with important websites. Although the downtime was expected by ITS and publicized through email, not all were prepared for it.