Imagine never being late to that class you can never find a parking spot for.

Thanks to FUSA Senate, that dream can finally come true. Public safety has agreed to let two “all-access” parking passes be raffled off each month, according to Senator Janet Reinhardt ’08.

“I think it’s a superb idea,” said Carla Pasquale ’06. “Students are always complaining about parking, so most people would try to get a chance to park anywhere on campus.”

“Plus, it’s for a good cause, which will make students even more likely to try,” she added.

The passes will be raffled off monthly to sophomores, juniors and seniors and each ticket will cost $2. Each pass will last one month, and all proceeds will go to the Special Olympics.

Reinhardt said Senate expects to make “a few hundred dollars” by the end of the semester, and if the project is successful, it will continue next year.

“Director of Public Safety Todd Pelazza was very enthusiastic about helping the charity he is involved with, engaging the students and helping FUSA out,” said Reinhardt.

FUSA’s Student Life Committee thought the raffle would be a successful project because many students complain about parking.

“Walking in the rain and snow from townhouses to the business school is not exactly pleasant,” said Reinhardt.

Students agreed.

“It would be incredible, because walking down from the townhouses in the dark and in bad weather is terrible,” said Caitlin Ledwith ’07.

Starting yesterday, Senate has begun making rounds in sophomore residence halls, the apartments and townhouses to sell the ticket chances.

They will also be sold in the FUSA office, located on the lower level of the Barone Campus Center. There is not a limit to how many tickets a student may buy.

Reinhardt said that she has received good feedback about the project and many students have told her that they would participate.

“This idea was a way to make students happy and raise money for a good cause,” said Reinhardt.

Casey Coleman ’06 is excited about the passes.

“I think it’s a great idea,” said Coleman, a beach resident. “It would give kids a chance to visit friends and siblings at the townhouses and dorms without worrying about getting a ticket.”

“We could park near our classes at more convenient locations,” she added. “We could park closer to the library if need be.”

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