The thought of homemade pumpkin pie has been making me salivate since before I started wearing my Uggs and NorthFace. Thanksgiving definitely takes the title of “Best Holiday Ever.” When else can you dedicate an entire day to eating delicious food and falling asleep on the couch? We know this isn’t what the pilgrims had in mind when they came up with the celebration in the first place and that the true meaning of Thanksgiving is much deeper. But we’re pretty much all thankful for the same things: awesome friends, a great family, $2 Tuesdays, Grey’s Anatomy, etc. But no one ever bothers to talk about the things that annoy the crap out of them. In the spirit of the holiday, I’ve compiled my list of the top 10 things NOT to be thankful for this year.

Parking in the Bannow lot: I waste more gas driving in circles than I do driving to school. Sneaking into a spot (even though someone already has their blinker on) is no way to make friends. Even though you can’t hear them, it doesn’t mean they’re not cursing you out.

The two walls of windows in my 6 x 10-foot room: They make for some pretty chilly nights (and awkward peep shows if I forget to shut the blinds).

Having no money: This leads to living off of packaged oatmeal and having to shake the shampoo bottle for 10 minutes before anything comes out.

“He Said” controversy: The lamest thing ever. Really girls? Lighten up.

The annoying guy in philosophy: He thinks his opinion is more important than the fact that class ended 10 minutes ago.

Four-way stop signs: I have to have a mental chat with myself every time I get to one: “Did he get there first? Maybe I should go. No, let him go. OK, now he’s high-beaming me. No, wait he’s going. Now whose turn is it?”

The fact that spring break is still 118 days away.

The bathroom at the Grape: Invest in a mop, please, and maybe some toilet paper.

“Tila Tequila: A Shot at Love”: Probably the worst idea for a reality show besides “World’s Most Smartest Model” (which I secretly love and watch all the time).

The Soulja Boy dance: Sorry, but I’ve never taken the time to YouTube it and learn the moves, so chances are your performance won’t inspire me. Stop superman-ing that ho and go socialize.

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