Been to the movies lately?

If you’re a woman in today’s world, it’s more likely than not that you have passed on the opportunity to see a new movie in favor of renting an old favorite.

You can count the amount of movies that have come out with a target audience of women in the last two years on one hand. In fact, the only movie with a purely women target audience has been ‘Sex and the City.’

It is a movie about four sassy New York City girls who live it up in the big apple; they are all independently successful and all bring something to the table when it comes to relationships.

Why, you ask, aren’t movies like this made more often? Well, the movie industry just makes ‘women’ movies less than they produce high-energy’ action thrillers or bloody horror films.

Maybe it is because the movie industry just assumes that girls want to go out and see a movie with their significant other and so therefore need to make movies that please both sexes at once.

But come on now, there are plenty of single, successful women who want to go out with their girlfriends and see a good old-fashioned woman’s movie. Is that really too much to ask?

As exhilarating as it is to go out and see movies like ‘The Dark Knight’ or ‘Ironman,’ sometimes a girl just wants to watch a movie about strong, independent women who are able to succeed in a ‘man’s’ world.

For example, regardless of how horrifying the ‘Saw’ saga has been, there have been enough already. It was fun to go see the first one in theaters, but after a while females just want to see a movie that makes them feel good about themselves and not one that makes them afraid to sleep alone at night.

Could there be any more action movies that come out in a year?

Yes, they gross billions of dollars and make their producers very happy, but after a point they all begin to blur together and women lose interest. It is time to put something new out into the market, maybe something more feministic.

Why not make a great film about women and how they thrive and succeed without the help of a successful husband or father?

The fact is that in the competitive society that we live in today, movies like that just will not sell as well as movies that target a cross-gender demographic.

Most men are just not interested in going out to see a good, female-power movie. Therefore, the movie industry has less incentive to make a movie that will not interest the male population.

Even sappy romantics are getting the boot these days for movies targeted toward teenagers who like to watch movies about stupid teens, who do stupid things, while using catchy one-liners.

Every girl loves to see a good old-fashioned romance movie that brings her to tears and sends the boys running for the hills. Nowadays romances are becoming romantic comedies, so that more of the male population will be in attendance.

Perhaps it is just that movies about strong independent women are too much for some people to handle, or they just do not gross enough money to warrant their development.
Maybe one day the movie industry will come to its senses and make more fun-loving movies about women and their successes. However, that time does not seem to be in the near future.

Whatever the reason though, do not let it get you down! Go out and rent a good oldie that just makes you feel good.

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