Best? Chicken Patties

Chicken Patties are the backbone of the Barone Campus Center cafeteria. They are a Fairfield icon as much as the Stag. The chicken patty’s versatility is its best asset. The patty can be cut up and placed in a wrap, which creates a delicious sandwich, or it can be heated up with melted parmesan cheese and marinara sauce. Another incredible feature of the patty is its crunchy outside mixed with a soft, tender inside – a phenomenon that continues to please many students. Last semester, the FUSA Senate tried to cut chicken patties from the cafeteria menu because some senators felt that they were an unhealthy option. However, the students have voted chicken patties the best food in the cafeteria this spring and they will remain in the cafeteria as the most versatile meal available.

Worst? Anything Fish

In a town that is bordered by the Long Island Sound, students would expect the cafeteria to offer some decent fish selections. However, all fish available at Barone, including scrod and fish nuggets, are much less than delectable. Tasteless, fish-like cardboard needs to be jazzed up a bit. Maybe putting some teriyaki sauce on the sketchy mass of seafood would make it more appetizing. If tartar sauce was available in the cafeteria, it might also liven up the selection, but students are never able to find it. Tartar sauce has always accompanied fish, but then again, is the fish in the cafeteria really even fish? Fish cannot be dry. It needs to have flavor. The moister the fish, the easier it is to digest and enjoy. If Sodexho insists on offering fish to students, some sauce or vegetables should be added. Until cafeteria workers figure something out, students should stick to such off-campus restaurants as Joe’s Bar and Grill for fish. Barone is not exactly the Fulton Fish Market.

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