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HE said: College life hazardous to your health

Life-altering epiphanies aren't common, so when we experience them they stand out far beyond other memories. I had a recent epiphany in a McDonald's drive-through as a woman named Conchita was handing me a Big Mac and an extra-large ten-piece Chicken McNugget meal.
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HE said: Advice for dealing with awkward hookups

Every sexually active person has experienced some form of a bad hookup. Gentlemen, I'm positive that every one of you can recall a "dead in the bed" lady that made you question whether you were using your member or a tranquilizer gun. And ladies, I'm sure you can recall multiple stories of guys who have gone from stud to dud faster than a pair of pants hitting the floor.
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HE said: Fairfield Cliques

Perhaps you haven't yet noticed the various breeds of Fairfield Students living harmoniously in our FU habitat. Thankfully, I have personally constructed a field guide to help better define each species.
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He said: A storied tradition under fire. Where do you stand?

When I came to Fairfield as an immature freshman and picked up my first issue of The Mirror, the He Said/She Said section immediately stood out, perhaps not for its professionalism and journalistic integrity, but because it depicted the most raw and honest account of the Fairfield student body consciousness in an entertaining and humorous manner.
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He Said: Welcome Back!

What a week. Since moving into my luxurious shag carpeted and currently bug free beach house, I'm drunker than Joe Namath on Sunday Night Football, a phenomenon involving seven empty packs of cigarettes, abusive use of a sledgehammer, and multiple sustained wounds to my forehead.