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HE said: It’s Game Time

Super Bowl Sunday (or as old timers from Massachusetts like to say: "Supah Bowl Sundee") looms ahead this weekend. This year's Super Bowl features the AFC's Indianapolis Colts matching up against the NFC's Chicago Bears. Sexy Rexy Grossman against a certain 6-foot-5-inch, 230 pound quarterback with a laser rocket arm who Meg compares to Dan Marino, which is blasphemy.
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HE said: New Year, New You

New Year resolutions are for fat people and alcoholics. Although I could justifiably be described as both, I hate the idea of New Year resolutions. I repeat: I HATE THE IDEA. Was January 1st 2007 such a special day? Did it inspire you to go to the gym?
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HE said: It’s a wonderful break

The current semester flew by so fast that I had hardly realized it was December, until I was tipped off this weekend by HBO's showing of the Christmas classic "Jingle All The Way" for three consecutive days. December brings the advent of the Christmas season, and what would the Christmas season be without a steroid abusing Austrian-turned-Governor shouting "It's Turbo Time!" and pummeling the likes of Sinbad? The Christmas season also brings us a small gift from school; finals, the equivalent of receiving socks and having to act like you wanted this crap-tacular gift.
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HE said: College life is full of regrets

Four years of a substance-fueled social life will inevitably lead to some regrettable behavior. You'll probably say a few things you wouldn't say if you were sober, but like the saying goes "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts," so maybe you were really just being honest.
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He said: Too much work, too little time

I just turned 22 this past Sunday and, as Danny Glover would say, I'm gettin' too old for this s**t... school work, specifically. I can't do it anymore, I'm gassed. The supposedly-easy class schedule I concocted for this semester has me officially flustered.
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HE said: Thanksgiving

I was discussing the content of this article with an unnamed professor of mine earlier this week when he made a very valid point. He told me that the content of the article was no longer insightful. I hold this professor's opinion in high regard, and I consider him an expert on many subjects, as he is an extremely intelligent man. So intelligent that if he happens to be reading this, he clearly realizes I'm kissing ass for an A in his class right now.
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HE said: I don’t wanna grow up

What do you want to be when you grow up? Every person is posed this question as a kindergartener by their Miss Lippy-looking kindergarten teacher. Of course, the answers we gave Miss Lippy were much different than our answers would be now. When we were younger, we wished to work in only the coolest of professions.
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HE said: Who needs a budget anyways?

It's that time of year again when every college student who was too lazy to get a job during the semester feels the pain of an empty bank account. You go to Fairfield University and you fall into one of two categories: you still live off handouts from your parents or you worked hard for every dollar at your summer job.
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HE said: Halloween; not just for the kiddies

It's nearing the end of October, and once again, Halloween is upon us. The holiday of Halloween is named, of course, after the day's patron saint, Saint Halloween. It celebrates the day when Saint Halloween drove all of the snakes out of Ireland while freeing the Jews from Egypt.
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HE said: Alumni Weekend Invasion

Actual real quotes from actual real alumni this weekend:Mitch Epstein '00: "Wow, best alumni weekend ever. The Grape was unbelievable. It was never too crowded and I could get a drink whenever I wanted. Glad to see the Point is still as crazy as it was back when I graduated too; it'd be a shame to see that ever get shut down by like an injunction or something.