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Interview with on-campus rock band Collapse Computer

To be in a band. What is it about a guitar that instantly ups one's mojo? Every where you turn it seems like there's some aspiring musician trying to break into the business and claim their 15 minutes of fame. Are these bands in search of success or instant sexiness? In an attempt to explore the enigma of the college band The Mirror went in search of some answers.
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There is absolutely no way that Sex in the City could be better than the Sopranos. To think such a thing is obviously the result of being dropped too many times on the head as a child. Sex in the City is based on four single women in New York City who spend endless nights full of men and "tartinis.
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It's Sunday and it's nearing nine o'clock. If it is The Sopranos season it is merely a Sunday evening, and I've got those Sunday "man, I have class tomorrow" blues. However, if we are all lucky enough for it to be Sex and the City season, I'm practically dancing! Sex and the City cures the Sunday blues like nothing else.
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McEvoy teams up with actor William Windom

Dr. Sharlene McEvoy, professor of business law in the Dolan School of Business, and actor William Windom (of "Murder She Wrote" and "To Kill a Mockingbird") will present a paper on show business law at the Northeast Academy of Legal Studies and Business in Cooperstown, N.Y., on Saturday, April 27, at 2 p.m.
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EDITORIAL: Townhouse residents will carry too much of the burden

It is understandable that economics and university improvement will dictate an increase in tuition and living fees. Yet, it is quite unfortunate that this burden will be passed onto the already stressed townhouse population. Each additional townhouse resident will be expected to pay an additional $250 for the rental of their house.
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Last issue for senior staffers

What does a college student remember about Tuesday nights? For the outgoing members of the 27th Editorial Board of The Mirror, which just published its last issue, those memories may be of challenging, successful and, I hope, enjoyable long nights.
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ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Day One CD like a ‘Dream’

Many of you by now have already found out about Day One through the interview I did with them for this week's issue. However, as interesting as an interview can be, the music is just as important as the people behind it. In this particular case, there's nothing to be worried about.
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Alum to speak at commencement

Douglas C. Perlitz, who graduated ten years ago from the university, has been chosen to give the 2002 graduation comencement speech. Perlitz plans to discuss with the graduates his experiences in Haiti where he established and runs a school for children.
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Mid-April and 80 degrees

Often I sit at my computer spurting out words addressing what I feel are huge injustices. But on this sunny day, the lawns have just been cut and the smell of a new season is wafting through my window. The beauty of spring lies not only in the budding flowers and sun kissed cheeks.