Editorial Board: “Counting On Clinton”

Whether or not you were content with the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election, one can acknowledge the divisive nature of the way that the public reacted to the Nov. 8 results. Despite a reported 51...
Register to vote

How to Register to Vote Out-of-State

There is less than one month until the 2016 Presidential Election and time is running out to register to vote. If you’re from out-of-state and you’ve procrastinated until now to get an absentee ballot, now...
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Front page issues

When surveying colleges as an incoming freshman, one tends to take into consideration factors such as athletic facilities, academic rigor and basic amenities such as food, housing and campus...
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Caricatures of themselves

“Deportations To Begin.” “New libel law targets ‘absolute scum’ in press.” “Bank glitch halts border wall work.” These headlines would have anyone look twice but in fact, these were...
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Culture is not weekly

In an age of American nationalism marred by the constant blemish of Islamophobia, it is more pertinent than ever to be understanding of one another’s culture. Given the constant stream of xenophobic rhetoric...
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Editorial Board: What we wish we knew

As April approaches, Fairfield will become the host to newly accepted students from all over the country. April happens to be one of the biggest months for seniors, as this is typically crunch time before the...

So Long for Now

As the spring weather is finally settling in, we are doing the same as the new editorial board of The Mirror. We cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by since we began our new positions, but summer is...


#IWishMyTeacherKnew has been a trending topic over the past week after a third-grade teacher in Denver asked her students to write down something they thought she should know. That got us thinking: What if...

Emojis for All

Although some complaints have surfaced, like Taco Bell tweeting about the lack of a taco emoji, most Apple users have rejoiced at the slew of new emoticons – better known as emojis – released last week in...
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Editorial: Summer is coming

It's that time of year again, folks: The yellow teacher evaluation sheets are circulating. Group projects are running rampant. The Quad is full of students who should probably be in class, but instead are...