Editor’s note: The following guide is intended to offer students who are of legal drinking age alternatives to the cheap beer staples. The Mirror held an informal taste test in order to provide the Fairfield community with honest opinions on different types of beer. Remember, drink responsibly.

Boddington’s: www.topb.com

What they say: “When you pour this beer you get a pale gold color with a creamy head. There’s no carbonation or gassiness to this beer which is wonderful.”

What we say: “The can looks like a bee.” “Best beer bar none!” “Beautiful, beautiful Boddington’s, you complete me. You had me at hello.”

“Too creamy, I feel like I just sucked on a cow teet.”

Pabst Blue Ribbon: www.pabstblueribbon.com

What they say: Today and since 1844, Pabst has been made of the finest natural ingredients. Pabst Blue Ribbon quality means the best tasting beer you can get.”

What we say: “Awesome.” (24 bottles for $9.99. Enough said.)

FlyingDog: www.flyingdoagales.com

What they say: “Meet the Alpha of the pack. A classic pale-ale. Malt lovers will surrender and hopheads will prevail. This amber-copper color brew is seductive in taste, mixed with a renaissance of flavors.”

What we say: “Sweet and dry at the same time. Tastes dark.”

“Tastes like my grandma spilt perfume in it, and the kind that you find at K-mart.” “Tastes like I’m sucking on a battery.” “Yuck- tastes like pineapple juice mixed with nasty beer. Bad aftertaste.” (You can’t please everybody…)

Long Trail Double Bag: www.longtrail.com

What they say: “Originally, Double Bag Ale was a “secret beer”. It was available only at the Long Trail Brewing Company Visitor Center to those in the know. It didn’t take long for this secret to get out! Double Bag Ale is a strong ale (7.2%v/v) with a full, rich, malty body, balanced by three generous additions of noble hops.”

What we say: “Nice and light.” “Heavy ale.”

CoorsLight: www.coorslight.com

What they say: The website seemed to care more about the Twins than about beer description. But on the positive side, you can score some beer gear, including a Coors Light Bank Bottle. It might come in handy for your beer money.

What we say: “Good cheap beer, thin and light.” “Good cheap hooch!” “Like water for chocolate… beer.”

Blue Moon: www.beercollection.com

What they say: “Blue moon ale is an unfiltered wheat ale spiced in the Belgian tradition for an uncommonly smooth taste.”

What we say: “Tasty, but kind of creamy.” “Awesome, but if I drink more than three I might start pissing milk.” “Tastes like cheese!” “Tasty, with a slight blueberry aftertaste. One is just enough.

Fat Angel Magic Hat: www.magichat.net

What they say: Fat Angel is the ale of universal reconciliation, brewed in an ambiguous world for those seeking answers in the age of confusion.

What we say: “Good beer- but I feel like I just drank a bottle of perfume.” “Smoky, deep flavor.” “Wicked good.”

Purple Haze: www.abita.com

What they say: Purple Haze is a crisp, American style wheat beer with raspberry puree added after filtration. Therefore, you may see raspberry pulp in the beer. The raspberries provide the lager with a subtle purple coloration and haze, a fruity aroma, and a tartly sweet taste.

What we say: “Tastes like Busch.” “Bitter and dark, with a hint of berry.” “Very good, tastes like berry!” “For the ladies only!” “Definitely delicious, easily goes down.”

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