To the Editor:

I am writing to you concerning the article “FU grads admit in a survey to slacking off” published in the Oct. 3 issue of The Mirror. I would particularly like to address the comments made by Dora Denardo, ’04; Julia Lundy, ’04; and Chris Dibiase, ’05.

Frankly, I believe their thoughtless comments present a very narrow and uninformed view of their fellow students at Fairfield. I believe it is unfair to make a presumption concerning one’s academic dedication on hours studied and hours partied. Some majors do not require four hours of work per night, leaving students the opportunity to have fun and enjoy their college experience. I, myself, do not have that luxury, but do not maintain negative attitudes towards those who do. I take my work seriously, but yes, I definitely party more than six hours a week and have a 3.5 to show for it. That is quite scary, Ms. Denardo.

Secondly, I take offense to the comment that physics is “a real major,” while Communications is not, even though I am not in that particular discipline. I believe that Ms. Lundy should concern herself with her studies rather than commenting on those of others. We all pick our own majors – some have a constant influx of work, while others do not. I, for one, would not begin to presume what “kind of person” would want to study Physics, but perhaps I am more enlightened than most.

As for Mr. Dibiase, I would caution him to make collective judgments based on a few statistics concerning the graduating class. Each class encompasses the complete spectrum of academic commitment and one cannot honestly state that one class is better than another class. That’s just ridiculous.

In closing, I would like to remind those students on which I commented that I do not harbor any malicious or adverse feelings toward them personally. I merely feel their comments were misplaced and quite inconsiderate and demanded a response. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Ciaran Doyle, ’04

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