Atdhe Trepca/The Mirror

Few students attend forum on dining hall food

Fewer than 15 students came in and out of the two-hour-long Food Service Open Forum on Oct. 16. Stacks of uneaten pizza sat on the table next to full bowls of salad, all barely picked at by the few student attendees. The large Oak Room dwarfed the perception of the turnout, since less than a quarter of the Oak Room was filled with students.
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Fairfield adds five trustees

Five new members join Fairfield University’s Board of Trustees for the 2013-14 school year. The Board of Trustees, consisting of 37 current members and four trustees emeriti, decides and approves Fairfield policies and ensures that the educational goals of the university includes a Jesuit and Catholic perspective.
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Adjuncts fight for their rights

A task force for adjunct professors at Fairfield was launched last year to examine the treatment of adjunct professors and other part-time faculty. This semester, it published results indicating that such faculty members have unstable employment and a lack of voice and respect due to their roles, compared to full-time faculty.
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Her Cocktail, Her Beer

I’ll have a Blue Moon, please. If your freshman year wasn’t filled with Dominos, tons of embarrassing stories, some regrets and a million memories, clearly you were doing something wrong.
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Crime Beat October 15-22

Tuesday, 8/15 9:11 p.m. - A parking lot gate near Dolan Hall was reported vandalized. Wednesday, 8/16 11:48 a.m. - A student reported that their laundry was stolen from the Townhouses 2 block laundry room. The stolen clothes were valued at $1,000.
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Ask Miss Molly

Dear Miss Molly, I’m a freshman girl and I really like Fairfield so far but there are a few upperclassman guys who “creep” on me like they’re animals and I’m their prey. It makes me feel super uncomfortable … I’m not interested in their advances but I don’t want to be mean about it, what should I do?
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Fairfield talks sex and the Catholic Church

“Is the church wrong about sex?” Fairfield students and community members gathered to explore this particular question in a forum on Oct. 16, with discussions on gay marriage and society’s perception of...

‘Walking Dead’ faces new threat

Our wayward band of rag-tag travelers have so far made it through the zombie apocalypse and its remaining malevolent human survivors, but how well will they stand up against their newest enemy, disease?

Miley Cyrus: How far has she come?

An album’s success depends on a number of factors, but one of the most important is whether or not it flows. A successful, lucrative album is composed of songs that blend together to create a pleasing melodic experience for listeners. Miley Cyrus has missed the mark on her highly anticipated album “Bangerz” and produced a mess of collectively typical and unimaginative songs.
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iPick, YouListen

“I Am a God (feat. God)” – Kanye West. Although his latest album “Yeezus” has been criticized as not living up to some of his previous album’s standards, I think it ranks with others like “Graduation” and “Watch the Throne.” “Yeezus” is much more eclectic and darker than anything he has ever produced before, but that is what makes it so unique. He incorporates several omnipotent-sounding voiceovers throughout the album, similar to his single “Mercy.”