Finding healthy meals that the whole family can enjoy and will actually eat is an ongoing challenge in my household since each meal has to cater to individual preferences. My 12-year-old brother still hasn’t grown out of his picky eating phase, and my 5-year-old sister has heightened sensitivities to certain tastes and textures of food.

But this old family recipe for lemon chicken is always a favorite. If done right, the lemon adds just the right amount of zest and flavor, especially when the chicken is served with a nice green vegetable like asparagus, a personal favorite of mine. The chicken itself is easy enough to make, as long as you have a non-stick frying pan. I have a tendency to burn things to a crisp when I cook them; however, this is one recipe I have yet to screw up in my many times making it.

Lemon Chicken with Asparagus

Servings: 6-8

1 bunch of asparagus

Olive oil

4 whole lemons

4 boneless chicken breasts

1 cup flour

2 eggs

1 cup gluten free breadcrumbs

¼ cup oil

Parmesan cheese


  1. Begin with preparing the asparagus. To do so, lie all the spears of asparagus on a cookie sheet and drizzle olive oil over them. Then, cook them at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes.
  2. Pound the chicken breasts with a meat pounder. If you don’t have one, using the heel of your hand works well too.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemons over the chicken breasts, and let the chicken soak in the juice for five minutes. Then pat the chicken dry.
  4. Coat the chicken in flour.
  5. Beat the two eggs in a bowl.
  6. Dip the chicken in the egg, and sprinkle the gluten free breadcrumbs on it.
  7. Brown the chicken in a non-stick frying pan with oil.
  8. Garnish the chicken with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and a slice of lemon.

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