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SHE said: What happens on Spring Break stays on Spring Break

The confession I'm about to make is extremely "un-college," but this coming week will mark my first official Spring Break vacation (unless you count last year's trip to Islamorada, also known as the Retirement Capital of the country). Dinner at 4:30, asleep by 10 and a sunburn that didn't allow me to open my eyes for a whole week is about as lame as it gets.
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SHE said: Valentine’s Day: Keep it simple

As I write this week's column, I'm sitting on my couch watching Soulmate Sunday on USA - an all-day marathon of cheesy chick flicks in anticipation of today, the infamous Feb. 14. Normally, this is the type of thing I would despise, but believe it or not, I actually like the idea of Valentine's Day.
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SHE said: The Super Bowl: It’s about how you play the pregame

If you didn't know by now, I'm not exactly what you would call a "sports enthusiast." Apparently, my Powder Puff experience earlier this year taught me nothing. I didn't watch one professional football game all year, nor did I really care that the Patriots had a perfect season going into the Super Bowl.
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SHE said: Deal-breakers: Lock it up, before they lock you up

A "deal-breaker" can be defined as a skewed characteristic, conflict or issue that would eliminate any ideas of taking one's romantic relationship to the next level. In college, we use the term "relationship" loosely (in most cases it's just code for "I've woken up with Person X after more than 10 nights out at the bar, so I guess we are 'together.
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SHE said: Our grown-up Christmas lists

Ahhh, the Christmas Season is upon us. I can't think of one thing that I don't like about this time of year. The cold weather is a great excuse to never leave the house (and skip way too many classes) and even though Sara and Christina's baking skills don't exactly compare to Mom's (sorry ladies), they're almost enough to make it feel like home.
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SHE said: Can men and women ever just be friends?

In elementary school, boys had cooties. By the eighth grade, we went to the movies in co-ed groups of 20, mapping out who everyone would sit next to while our parents drove us to the theater. In high school we dated, but for superficial reasons (i.e. quarterback of the football team.)
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SHE said

As a woman of many talents, one thing that I absolutely cannot pride myself on is my driving skills. And I'm not talking about the occasional forgotten turn signal or buckled seat belt - I'm talking about how you take your life in your hands when you get in the car with me.
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She said: A time for thanks and no-thanks

The thought of homemade pumpkin pie has been making me salivate since before I started wearing my Uggs and NorthFace. Thanksgiving definitely takes the title of "Best Holiday Ever." When else can you dedicate an entire day to eating delicious food and falling asleep on the couch?In the spirit of the holiday, I've compiled my list of the top 10 things NOT to be thankful for this year.In the spirit of the holiday, I've compiled my list of the top 10 things NOT to be thankful for this year.
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SHE said

First day of college. We've all been there. You just moved in. Your parents have just left, but not before taking you to one of the finest restaurants in town. There you order your last real dish of food. As you wave your parents goodbye, the harsh reality hits you.