10 Fun Facts About T-Pain

It's almost here, Stags. On Oct. 13 (spooky), Fairfield is hosting the annual Red Sea Madness, and this year will feature rapper T-Pain. Check out these fun facts about this fall's performer: 1. His real...

Best Things About Fall in the Field

The weather has finally cooled down. The crisp fall weather of Connecticut is perfect for hiking or going for a run outside. Family & Alumni Weekend. What is better than having the 'rents and all of...

Signs That You’re a Senior Stag

It's your fourth year as a Stag, can you believe it? It felt like just yesterday that you were moving into your freshman dorm in the Quad and saying goodbye to your parents for "college life." Besides...

The Ultimate Fairfield Bucket List

Starting my senior year is expectedly bittersweet. Once I moved into my waterfront beach house and experienced many last "firsts", it was hard to not reminisce on my past three years as a Stag. After looking...

Vacation When You’re a Kid vs. In College

It’s the last month before the bittersweet return to Stag Country, and your summer is wrapping up with a getaway. Whether you’re headed down to the Jersey Shore, or out on the Cape, you just can’t wait...

Stages of a Netflix Binge

Without the anxiety of classes and assignments over the summer, it’s safe to say that many Stags are allowing themselves to indulge in a Netflix marathon every so often.  Starting, and ultimately finishing,...

Kelley’s Ultimate Summer 2017 Playlist

The weather is getting warmer and barbecue season is upon us. Now with Independence Day right around the corner, gather your friends and fire up the grill with these tunes blasting for a guaranteed great...

Productive Ways to Spend Your Commute

It can be tempting, especially early in the morning or after a long summer day at the office, to take your commute on public transportation and waste it away. While it might be easy to just drift away while...

How to Easily Stay Fit This Summer

Let’s admit it: being away at school, with all of the Barone food and happy hour opportunities, we put on a few pounds. Now, being home for the summer (for bathing suit season, nonetheless) we are trying to...